Amar Isli

Lecturer at the Faculty of Computer Science, USTHB, Algiers

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I am currently Lecturer at the Faculty of Computer Science of the USTHB University of Algiers.

Before USTHB

I worked as:


I hold:

Research Interests

Constraint satisfaction as initially defined, in the seventies, by Montanari and Mackworth concerned only discrete domains. It has been extended since then to continuous domains in general and to temporal and spatial domains in particular, with both aspects quantitative and qualitative. On the other hand, the link between the satisfiability problem of temporal logics and the emptiness problem of automata on infinite structures is well-known. Description logics (DLs) are a knowledge representation formalism known for its good compromise expressiveness/decidability, and a central theme under investigation turns around bridging the gap between temporal logics and spatial constraint satisfaction through spatio-temporalisation of DLs in general and of DLs with a concrete domain in particular, for instance by temporalising the roles and spatialising the concrete domain.

My research interests include the following:



PhD thesis (thèse de doctorat d'université)


A Isli, "Automates Alternants et Logiques Temporelles, Satisfaction de Contraintes Temporelles" , "doctorat d'université" thesis, topic computer science, University Paris XIII, November 1993.

International journals


A Isli and L Museros Cabedo and T Barkowsky and R Moratz, "A Topological Calculus for Cartographic Entities", Spatial Cognition, Springer-Verlag , (2000) 225-238.


A Isli and A G Cohn, "A new approach to cyclic ordering of 2D orientations using ternary relation algebras", Artificial Intelligence, Volume 122 (1-2), ScienceDirect , (2000) 137-187.


S Belhadji and A Isli, "Temporal Constraint Satisfaction Techniques in Job Shop Scheduling Problem Solving", Constraints, Volume 3 (2-3), Special Issue "Spatial and Temporal Reasoning", Kluwer, Springer-Verlag , (1998) 203-211.


A Isli, "Converting a Büchi alternating automaton to a usual nondeterministic one", SADHANA, Volume 21 (2), Special Issue "Software Specification, Verification and Validation", Indian Academy of Sciences, Springer-Verlag, (1996) 213-228.

International conferences


A Isli, "Combining Cardinal Direction Relations and Relative Relations in QSR", Eighth International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, (2004).


A Isli, "On Deciding Consistency for CSPs of Cyclic Time Intervals", in Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS), AAAI/MIT Press, Key West, Florida, USA, (2001) 547-551.


B Benhamou and A Isli, "Study of Symmetry in Qualitative Temporal Interval Networks", in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, Applications (AIMSA), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, Sozopol, Bulgaria, (1998) 88-101.


A Isli and A G Cohn, "An Algebra for Cyclic Ordering of 2D Orientations", in Proceedings of the 15th American Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Madison, WI, (1998) 643--649, AAAI/MIT Press.


B Bennett, A Isli and A G Cohn, "A System Handling RCC-8 Queries on 2D Regions Representable in the Closure Algebra of Half-Planes", in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems (IEA-AIE), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1415, Springer-Verlag, Castellón, (1998) 281--290.


B Bennett, A G Cohn and A Isli, "Combining Multiple Representations in a Spatial Reasoning System", in Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), California, (1997) 314--322, PubZone.


B Bennett, A G Cohn and A Isli, "A Logical Approach to Incorporating Qualitative Spatial Reasoning into GIS (Extended Abstract)", in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT), Springer-Verlag, (1997) 503--504.


C Bessière, A Isli and G Ligozat, "Global consistency in interval algebra networks: tractable subclasses", In: Wahlster W (editor), Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), Budapest, (1996) 3--7, John Wiley,


S Belhadji and A Isli, "AI tools in scheduling problem solving: a solver based on a ``well-behaved" restriction of TCSPs (Extended Abstract)", in Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), Toulouse, (1996) 438--439, PubZone.


A Isli, "An Acceptor for Allen's Ord-Horn Subclass", in Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence : Methodology, Systems, Applications (AIMSA), Sofia, (1994) 119-128.

National conference


A Isli, "Raisonnement temporel à base de contraintes : augmenter l'expressivité de l'algèbre des points sans compromettre la polynomialité", in Proceedings of the French 10th congress Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA), Rennes, (1996) 1003-1012.

International workshops


A Isli, "Augmenting ALC(D) (atemporal) roles and (aspatial) concrete domain with temporal roles and a spatial concrete domain -first results", H W Guesgen, F D Anger, C Freksa and G Ligozat (editors), Proceedings of ECAI-04 Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning, Valencia, Spain, (2004) 123-127.


A Isli, "An ALC(D)-based combination of temporal constraints and spatial constraints suitable for continuous (spatial) change", H W Guesgen, F D Anger, C Freksa and G Ligozat (editors), Proceedings of ECAI-04 Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning, Valencia, Spain, (2004) 129-133.


A Isli, "A TCSP-like decidable constraint language generalising existing cardinal direction relations", H W Guesgen, F D Anger, C Freksa and G Ligozat (editors), Proceedings of ECAI-04 Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning, Valencia, Spain, (2004) 135-139.


A Isli, "A family of qualitative theories for continuous spatio-temporal change as a spatio-temporalisation of ALC(D) -first results", R V Rodriguez (editor), Proceedings of ECAI-02 Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning, Lyon, France, (2002) 81-86.


B Benhamou and A Isli, "Study of Symmetry in Qualitative Temporal Interval Networks" (this is a slightly smaller version of IC1998c), in Proceedings of ECAI-98 Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning, Brighton, UK, (1998) 41-50.


A Isli and A G Cohn, "Qualitative Spatial Reasoning à la Allen: An Algebra for Cyclic Ordering of 2D Orientations" (A slightly longer version of the AAAI-98 paper), In: Feng Zhao & Kenneth Yip (editors), Proceedings of Qualitative Reasoning: The Twelfth International Workshop, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, (1998) 65--76, AAAI Technical Report WS-98-01, AAAI Press.


B Bennett, A Isli and A G Cohn, "When does a Composition Table provide a complete and tractable proof procedure for a relational constraint language?", in Proceedings of IJCAI-97 Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning, Nagoya, Japan, (1997).


S Belhadji and A Isli, "Scheduling problems as special temporal constraint satisfaction problems", in Proceedings of AAAI-96 Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning, Portland, Oregon, (1996) 57--60.


A Isli and H Bennaceur, "Qualitative interval networks: combining path consistency and circuit consistency in the search for a solution", in Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME), Key West, Florida, (1996) 57--62.


A Isli, "Mapping an LPTL formula into a Büchi alternating automaton accepting its models", in Proceedings of the ICTL (International Conference on Temporal Logic) workshop, Bonn, (1994) 85-90.

Technical reports


A Isli, "Bridging the gap between modal temporal logics and constraint-based QSR as a spatio-temporalisation of ALC(D) with weakly cyclic TBoxes", Technical Report FBI-HH-M-311/02, Fachbereich Informatik, Universität Hamburg, 2002.


A Isli, "Reasoning about relative position of directed lines as a ternary Relation Algebra (RA): presentation of the RA and of its use in the concrete domain of an ALC(D)-like description logic", Technical Report FBI-HH-M-313/02, Fachbereich Informatik, Universität Hamburg, 2002.


A Isli, "A constraint-based model for relative, quantitative orientation of 2D points", Technical Report FBI-HH-M-294/00, Fachbereich Informatik, Universität Hamburg, 2000.


A Isli and R Moratz, "Qualitative spatial representation and reasoning: algebraic models for relative position", Technical Report FBI-HH-M-284/99, Fachbereich Informatik, Universität Hamburg, 1999.


A Isli and G Ligozat, "An optimal backtrack algorithm for Allen's interval algebra", Technical Report, Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris-Nord, 1994.