Visual Computing Magazine Volume 1 Issue 4
The magazine cover
Preface of the Dean of Computer Science Faculty
L. Benhamida, Prof. S. Larabi
Skeleton-based Human Action Recognition System with GCN.
A. Bouatrouđť‘ , N. Zenati, A. Meziane, C. Hamitouche
Design and development of VR-based exergames for functional hand rehabilitation after stroke.
Mohammed Kadri, Zohdi Kilani, Nassim Kaddouri, Ilyes Djebara, Alaa Guermat.
Embedded Cheating Detection with NVIDIA Jetson Nano.
BENATALLAH Rayan Ibrahim, SAYOUD Lynda , MALLEK Lina, BENAZZOU Fatima.
Autoencoders for Anomaly detection in exam surveillance.
K. Delloul, Prof. S. Larabi.
RGB-D Segment Captioning.