Méziane Aïder
Higher Doctorate
(Doctorat d’Etat) on Operations Research, Institute
of Mathematics, USTHB, Algiers, Algeria, March 17th 1999,
Title: ``Quelques structures combinatoires’’, Some
combinatorial structures,
Supervisor: Payan Charles (University of Grenoble, France).
Doctorate Postgraduate Degree
(Doctorat de Troisième Cycle) in Operations Research,
Institute of Informatics and Applied Mathematics (IMAG), University
of Grenoble, France, November 25th
Title: ``Réseaux d’interconnexion bipartis
orientés – Colorations généralisées dans les graphes’’, Oriented Bipartite Interconnection Networks -
Generalized colorations in the Graphs
Supervisor: Payan Charles.
Diploma of Advanced Studies
(D.E.A.) in Operations Research, Institute of Informatics and
Applied Mathematics (IMAG), University of Grenoble, France, June 30th 1984,
Title: ``Matroïdes
et intersection de deux matroïdes’’, Matroids
and the intersection of two matroids,
Supervisors: Fonlupt Jean and Zemirline Abdallah.
Diploma of Higher Education
(D.E.S.) in Mathematics, option
Operations Research, USTHB, Algiers, Algeria, June 1983.
Bachelor’s Degree
(Baccalauréat) in Mathematical
Techniques, Algiers, Algeria, June 1979.