Méziane Aïder

Higher Doctorate

(Doctorat d’Etat) on Operations Research, Institute of Mathematics, USTHB, Algiers, Algeria, March 17th 1999,

Title: ``Quelques structures combinatoires’’, Some combinatorial structures,

Supervisor: Payan Charles (University of Grenoble, France).


Doctorate Postgraduate Degree

(Doctorat de Troisième Cycle) in Operations Research, Institute of Informatics and Applied Mathematics (IMAG), University of Grenoble, France, November 25th 1987,

Title: ``Réseaux d’interconnexion bipartis orientés – Colorations généralisées dans les graphes’’,  Oriented Bipartite Interconnection Networks - Generalized colorations in the Graphs

Supervisor: Payan Charles.


Diploma of Advanced Studies

(D.E.A.) in Operations Research, Institute of Informatics and Applied Mathematics (IMAG), University of Grenoble, France, June 30th 1984,

Title: ``Matroïdes et intersection de deux matroïdes’’, Matroids and the intersection of two matroids,

Supervisors: Fonlupt Jean and Zemirline Abdallah.


Diploma of Higher Education

(D.E.S.) in Mathematics, option Operations Research, USTHB, Algiers, Algeria, June 1983.


Bachelor’s Degree

(Baccalauréat) in Mathematical Techniques, Algiers, Algeria, June 1979.